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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fire Safety Checklist

Planning for fire safety
1.      Does the factory have any kind of fire safety certificate?
2.      Is the factory regularly inspected by the competent authority which issues the certificate?
3.      Does the factory have an emergency plan in case of fire or other emergency? NB. It should cover evacuation routes, assembly areas, fire extinguishers and first aid locations, tel. numbers for fire brigade and hospital etc.
4.      Does the factory have a procedure that requires the most senior managerial staff, managers of different sections, supervisors and worker representatives to check, at least monthly, whether all necessary precautions against the risk of fire are being effectively taken in each section within of the factory?
5.      Does the emergency plan include the alarm systems, workers actions, and the procedure to account for each worker once the worker reaches an area of safety outside of the factory?

1.      Has every new worker had a briefing on worker action in the event of a fire? (Speak to a sample of 5 new workers)
2.      Are the procedures to be followed clearly shown throughout the factory and in a format and language that the workers can understand?
3.      Are evacuation drills, fire refresher training and alarm tests done with all workers at least once per year to evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency plan?
4.      Are records of the fire drills and tests kept and available for inspection?

Fire alarms, detection and escape route
1.      Does the factory rely on a person to detect fire and raise the alarm?
2.      Does the factory have an automatic method of detecting a fire and raising the alarm?
3.      Are smoke detectors placed in escape routes and areas of high fire risk?
4.      Can the fire alarm be heard clearly throughout the whole factory even when activated from a single point?
5.      If the alarm system is electrically powered, does it have a working back-up power supply?
6.      Are walls and doors constructed to restrict the movement of smoke and fire by-products horizontally and vertically without interfering with evacuation?
7.      Do all workers know how to operate the fire alarm system?
8.      Are there clear instructions placed throughout the factory, reminding workers on how to operate the fire alarm system?
9.      Are there at least 2 fire exits on each floor, in the correct location for all workers to escape in the case of an emergency?
10.  Are there are at least two ways out from each work station to a fire exit route?
11.  Do the number and width of fire exits appear to be suitable for the number of workers?
12.  In the event of a fire, could all available exits be affected or will at least one route remain available?
13.  Are all escape routes clearly marked, clear of obstructions and provided with working emergency light fittings?
14.  Are all exit doors unlocked and designed to open outwards?
15.  Are there at least 2 exit stairways, which are adequately constructed and wide enough to support the rapid evacuation of all workers from floors above or below ground level?

Fire fighting
1.      Are the extinguishers suitable for the type of fire (e.g.: flammable solids; flammable liquids; electrical) and of sufficient capacity?
2.      Are there sufficient extinguishers sited throughout the factory.  Are their locations clearly identified and unobstructed?
3.      Are the right type of extinguishers located close to the fire hazards and can users gain access to them without exposing themselves to risk?
4.      Have key personnel been trained in the correct use of these extinguishers and fire hoses?
5.      Are the fire extinguishers fully charged and inspected weekly?
6.      Are the fire extinguishers checked and tested annually by a competent authority / person?
7.      If the factory has an automatic sprinkler system does it have a separate water supply and is it tested regularly?

1.      Have warning signs been placed on all elevators / lifts indicating that they must not be used in case of fire?
2.      Is smoking prohibited in all working areas and are "No Smoking" signs clear and prominent throughout the factory?
3.      Have flammable solids, liquids and gases been isolated from sources of ignition such as open flames, heated surfaces or unprotected electrical wiring?
4.      When open flames or sparks are present (such as welding, cutting, grinding or smelting), are adequate precautions taken such as isolating sources of fuel or combustible materials from the open flames taken and are fire extinguishers available nearby?
5.      Is an electrical installation safety certificate available?  
6.      Are records available which show that the electrical circuits are maintained regularly?
7.      Is each electrical circuit protected with an adequate fuse or circuit breaker located in a well constructed box in close proximity to the work station?
8.      Are passageways and walkways marked and kept clear?
9.      Are an adequate number of waste receptacles provided for each work station?

1 comment:

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